Tuesday 2 September 2014

August Newsletter

Dear STL Supporter

The whole world has been shocked by an avalanche of breaking news horror headlines of recent months. Plane wrecks, bombings, graphic photos of racial and religious conflict, political chaos and corruption, children involved in atrocities, Russia's incursion into Ukrainian territory, the Ebola virus outbreak, another resurgence of swine flu, recrimination after recrimination in the middle east, more genocide between religious rivals and on it goes. Some of it has been pretty close to us Australians who are often sheltered by distance.

So where should our focus be? On the chaos or on the solution as foretold in the Bible through the prophets?

Jesus said, when we see these things happening we should understand that His coming is very close. (Matt 24: 33, Mark 13: 29, Luke 21: 31). It's a privilege to understand that Jesus' coming is very close. The privilege carries with it responsibility to share the good news of the ultimate demise of evil.

For Christians through the ages it has been the 'blessed hope'. Many have paid dearly for this hope. Paul's advice to the Thessalonian Christians was to comfort and encourage each other by talking about the promise of the Second Coming. Wherefore comfort one another with these words, He said. (1 Thes 4: 18).

It's good advice for us, too.

Alternative Sexuality and the Church

Pastor Ron and Claudia Woolsey were much appreciated as they shared their insights and experience from Melbourne to Brisbane and a number of stops along the way.

The feedback we have had on the seminar has been very positive. Pastor Woolsey's new book, that was being bound when they arrived in Australia has made it to our shore. Strait Answers to Gay Questions is most helpful giving insight and Biblical answers to the Gay questions that are confronting traditional values, all around the world. The book is now in stock at STL. We wish the Woolsey's God's blessing as they conduct their Narrow Way Ministry.

Growing Healthy Food for Healthy People - STL's Next Sunday Health Seminar, September 14.

Rod and Desley Bailey, from Eastwood Missionary College, north NSW are presenting their passion for growing their own food to gain maximum nourishment. The presentation outline that Rod has shared with us is packed full of really helpful, practical tips on how we all can be involved in growing food that leaves what we buy in the supermarket for dead. - no matter how much space we have for a food garden. Desley will be demonstrating some of her family's favourite recipes, using the plants that the Bailey's quite extensive 'home garden' yields.

Rod provides answers about the use of pesticides, the impact of gmo's, how to create a soil that is packed with nutrients for the plants, etc. It's going to be a different Sunday Health Seminar to the one's we have conducted in the past and one definitely not to be missed. For interstate readers the DVD will be available about a week after the actual event.

November Seminar - Pr Tim and Karen Roosenberg - "Islam and Christianity in Bible Prophecy - How God Calls a People from Both"

Pr Tim Roosenberg presents this revealing study of Bible prophecy relevant to today's modern world. Pr Roosenberg has studied prophecy for over 25 years and has discovered that following the interpretation methods of the early church and the reformers results in the most reliable and logical understanding of Bible prophecy.

In "Islam and Christianity" Pr Tim will help you understand a remarkable Bible prophecy in Daniel 11 and 12. This prophecy starts in Daniel's time and chronologically unfolds through the time of Christ, extending through our time and on to the end of the millennium. This prophecy includes a future major conflict between Islam and Christianity. Given heightened recent events between Christianity and Islam in the world you will not want to miss this seminar

Baritone, Wintley Phipps in Concert, is in Australia Soon

Please see the brochure in the attachment box above which advises of several Wintley Phipps concerts in Australia, shortly to take place. Seats are limited so early booking is advised. Full details are on the brochure.

Wintley has sung for a number of American presidents including Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama at several National Prayer Breakfast events and other celebrations. His voice is described as a 'booming baritone' and he uses it to sing inspiring Christian music.

He is a pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the USA and established the U.S. DreamAcademy, a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing a values-based, interactive, tutorial and remedial education program targeted at children and youth-at-risk through community Family Learning Centres located in various states of the USA. Phipps wanted something to help break the cycle he saw played out so many times in his own family.

His concert will challenge and inspire you.

Christian regards from Cherryl and the STL team

Brian Way/Programs Coordinator
